Friday, July 08, 2005

Part 2: A refusal to name names...

So I guess I was going to have to finish the Chicago report sooner or later. It's been almost a month, so I guess it's kind of a moot point now, but whatever. It was a genuinely quality trip and, while I didn't get to have a threesome with our stripper friends (it was brought up...and not by me...but never followed through on) or do any illicit substances off of explicit body parts, the bar has been raised yet again. That's all the words you're getting. Whatever, you'd rather look at pictures anyway...

Clubbed, like seals
We were all more attractive before 8 hours of drinking and 3 hours of dancing...

Who dat?
Andy and Chris are intrigued by 2 completely different things.

Our Founding Fuckheads
This didn't work out as well as we'd hoped...

Chris was behind the camera singing "Happy Together" by the Turtles.

Shoot the glass!
I like stuff that's on an angle.

Carmen? Is that you?
The fake moustache makes its first appearance...

...but not its last.

You sir, are worse than Hitler!
Is this not the scariest thing ever?

Erin, it almost looks cute on you...

It ain't gonna lick itself!
Where would we be without Myspace?

Wow, that really does look like a diaper...

I'll miss you, Chicago...

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