Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Dark Side? You're soaking in it!


Awww, damn! You got SITHED!!



The New Yorker!!

The Village Voice!!


Looking back on Episode III almost a week later...

The Good:

  • Some of the vehicles were kinda cool

  • That once scene between Anakin and Palpatine at the aquatic Cirque de Soleil or whatever the fuck they were watching. (That must have been one of the ones punched up by Tom Stoppard.)

  • That part with Yoda and the Emperor's Guards

  • The inception of the Vader armor

  • Yoda and Palpatine's fight in the Senate (I just wish those box seats could have been filled with Gungans and E.T.s at the time)

  • A good portion of that final fight between Marv and Kevin in LavaTown USA.

The Bad:

  • NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • Um, pretty much everything else.

The Ugly:

  • What's with all the hand chopping?! So according to Lucas, it's okay to have sex with little boys but masturbation is absolutely out of the question? I mean yeah, I guess the clergy motifs are pretty obvious if you think about it...but jesus George, that doesn't make it right!


Oops...looks like we're all going to HELL! Well, I had a good run...

The scariest thing in the world is knowing that when these people breed, they breed with eachother...

No way we're getting out of here without a good power converter joke...


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