Thursday, February 01, 2007

Warning Boston, the Terror Threat-Level has been raised from

Attempt #4

Rrrrg! I don't know how to start this entry because every time I about the article in question, I just seem get so angry that I have to stop thinking about it and close this window (of course, it doesn't help that every time I start to re-write, someone comes into my cubicle with another problem.) I'm not gonna go into the specifics, suffice it to say that "Post 9/11 blah blah" means "Such things as 'creativity' and 'common sense' have been put on indefinite hiatus"

So, here's the link

Resist the urge to vomit and/or kill yourself when you get to the part where these guys are getting brought up on felony charges for this. Like I needed another reason to hate fucking Boston...

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