Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A brief diversion.

I've been asked to shoot a bunch of pictures for a slideshow at work showing diversity in our Systems department. While the idea of this is filling me with dread, it's not all that interesting to anyone else, I'm sure. It did, however, remind me of a small quarter-page ad in the back of an airline magazine that caught my eye recently. The bright yellow text at the top exclaimed "CELEBRATE DIVERSITY! in Birmingham, AL." and was accompanied by a photo of, I shit you not, a black family eating fried chicken at a cookout. So, yeah, aside from the fact that there was absolutely no diversity in that picture whatsoever, they chose just about the most stereotypically racist image possible to promote diversity in a city that is...well...not exactly historically known for their tolerance and brotherhood.

To me, the whole thing smacks of a half-assed community service requirement. It's like, "Ok, Birmingham, I want to hear an apology from you...and you'd better make it good!" And Birmingham's response was, "Fine! Y'all love n*****s so much, here's yer fuckin'n*****s! Y'all happy now?!" I guess we should all just be happy there weren't any burning crosses in the background or anything. Let's hear it for progress!

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